Danbo International Schools Kaduna

In the Sixth Form, teachers discuss progress with their students on a regular basis both informally and through formalized structures. Verbal and/or written comments, when work is returned, it enable students to see their strengths and weaknesses and to take appropriate action. Marks for homework, assessed class work and tests are routinely recorded by teachers in accordance with agreed guidelines. It is important that students should understand the criteria against which an individual piece of work will be marked. There are three levels of mock examination conducted before the final examination. July, October and December for IJMB students.December, March, and April for Cambridge students.

Below are the modes of assessing our students;

Science Department

Cambridge A-level: Biology, Chemistry and Physics candidates taking the complete Advance Level qualification take all five papers in a single examination series

Paper Type of Paper Duration Mark % AS-Level A-Level
1 Multiple Choice 1 hour 40 31 15
2 AS Structured Questions 1hour 15mins 60 46 23
3 Advanced Practical Skills ½ 2 hours 40 23 12
4 A2 Structured Questions 2 hours 100 38
5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation 1hour 15mins 30 12
Paper Type of Paper Duration Mark % Weighing %
1 Mechanics, Head and Behaviour of Matter, Vibrations and Waves 3 hours 120 60
2 Geometrical Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics and Electronics 3 hours 120 60
3 Practical 3 hours 60 20
4 Continuous Assessment 20
Internal Assessment – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
S/No Component Mark % Weighing %
1 End of Semester/Term Examination 100 80
2 Continuous Assessment Class work 5 20
3 Continuous Assessment Assignment 5 20
4 Continuous Assessment Test/Project 10 20
Department of Social Science and Humanities
Paper Type of Paper Duration Mark % AS-Level A-Level
1 Short Answer/Essay 1hour 15mins 40 40 20
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