Danbo International Schools Kaduna


The Danbo International Schools Parents Association is the structure through which Parents/Guardians in Danbo International Schools can work together for the best possible education for their children.

Meetings are held monthly and are attended by two Parent/Guardian Representatives from each year, a representative from the Board of Management and the Head of School.

Elections to the Committee happen every year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The objectives of the Committee are as follows:

  • To act as a forum for the expression of opinions, exchange of information and the discussion of topics raised by Parents and Guardians
  • To consider matters of educational interest
  • To arrange talks of interest for Parents/Guardians throughout the academic year
  • To work with the Principal/Head of School, the Board of Management and the staff to support the aims and objectives of the school.
  • To address issues and concerns relating to the school on behalf of the parents.
  • To enhance communication between parents and school management.
  • To support the education and development of each child.
  • To enhance social interaction between parents.


The committee is comprised of 8 members, each representing a year group in the school. The term of office is 2 years and members are elected annually at the AGM. The association meets at the start of each school month to review ongoing and suggested projects and deal with parents’ correspondence.

Parents are encouraged to contact the Association with any recommendations or queries via:

  • In-person via their class representative,
  • Letterbox located in the foyer of the school.


All parents and guardians of students at Danbo International Schools are deemed to be members of our Association and we extend a very warm welcome to all who play a key role in the life of the community in the school. We encourage your involvement and welcome volunteers from the parent body to help in the many events which take place during the year.

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