Danbo International Schools Kaduna

In Danbo International college, we observe the underlisted events/Special days:

  1. 1. Academic week
  2. 2. College and University fair
  3. 3. Funfair/bon fire
  4. 4. Christmas carol
  5. 5. Literary day
  6. 6. Honours assembly
  7. 7. Sports fun day
  8. 8. Inter House sports competition
  1. 9. Children’s day
  2. 10. Traditional day
  3. 11. Graduation ceremony
  4. 12. Army Forces Remembrance Day
  5. 13. Open day
  6. 14. Parents council meeting
  7. 15. All school song festival
  8. 16. Club day
  1. 17. Speech and prize giving day
  2. 18. SS2 project defense
  3. 19. Career talk/fair day
  4. 20. Danbo Reads
  5. 21. Danbo spelling bee
  6. 22. Danbopaedia

We also observe the following International Days:

  1. 1. Black month/Martin Luther King junior day
  2. 2. International women’s day
  3. 3. International Day for the Girl child
  4. 4. World Teacher’s day
  1. 5. United Nations day
  2. 6. World poetry day
  3. 7. World creativity day
  4. 8. World Health day
  1. 9. Mental Health awareness day
  2. 10. International day of peace
  3. 11. World Entrepreneurship day
  4. 12. World Teachers day

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