Danbo International Schools Kaduna


Hello and welcome to Danbo International Primary School. I hope to provide you with enough information about our school and show you why this is the best choice of school for your child/ward.

We are a global community of learners with over three decades of experience in working with young children to help them make the right connections and develop their full potentials.

We are located in a serene area of the southern side of Kaduna city in Nigeria and notably one of the best places where your child can comfortably get an all-inclusive education with rich programmes put together to build a “Total child”.

Our learner-centred activities address the developmental needs of children between the age bracket of 5.5years and 11.5 years.

In our school, learning experiences are developed using the International Primary Curriculum Tool kit and the Cambridge Curriculum Framework with special incorporation of cultural education and expectations spelt out in the National curriculums.

Our friendly educators go through rigorous Continuous Professional training, which equips them with current trends in child psychology and ensures pupils development and milestone. Learning styles. and differentiation are considered in each lesson plan

We see it as our pride to ensure children receive maximum care and attention at every key stage.

Parents in our school describe the relationship between teachers and their pupils as one built on Care, Respect and Love. At every school activity, staff oversee all aspects of our programmes; during lessons, activities, meal times, breaks, excursions to ensure our care, health and safety policies are visibly implemented.

Our homely hostels cater to parents outside Kaduna city. We provide a serene literacy filled accommodation for families with this need. Your child is safe with us, as we have a reputation of being a Home away from Home.

We are committed to ensuring that children placed in our care get the best education that fits favourably with their peers globally. As an A+ school, you can count on us to help any child have this excellent mindset because we never give up on any learner.

After all, Our Vision is “High Achievement for all”.

At Danbo International Primary School, our Curriculum practices and opportunities are focused on the framework of the Cambridge Primary Curriculum. We integrate The IPC (International Primary Curriculum) objectives and principles as a learning manual to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the school.

Every step of the way, we give attention and provide the right interactions that build lifelong skills. We ensure each child become creative as they imagine, explore, coordinate self and environment, and apply learning to solve problems.

As a school located in Nigeria, we also integrate aspects of the Nigerian National Curriculum to achieve a balance as required by the Nigerian Ministry of education. This too is to ensure pupils learn about their national heritage through the umbrella of Global Perspective, promote better human relationship through the practice of core values, to become, effective citizenship and foster national consciousness.

Our school has been a “Family preferred school and parents have often described our learners as pupils who:

  • Think critically and get solution/ answers to problems.
  • Sort information, show interest in and talk about events around the social and print media.
  • Practice Etiquette and Decorum related to their social a d domestic environments
  • Adopt and consciously use Right table manners.
  • Aware of children’s rights and inspire others to keep rules.
  • Approach tasks with leadership mindsets
  • Manipulate digital devices with ease
  • Have developed an interest in reading books and E-Resources
  • Read, Understand, Spell and Use words in context.
  • Make clear Narration and description of any incident or event encountered.
  • Speak fluently during gatherings with appropriate use of vocabulary.
  • Practice Appropriate stage/Public Speaking Skills.
  • Stand to debate, air opinion, explain and discuss confidently.
  • Develop interest and display new skills and talents in sports.
  • Draw, colour, paint, cut and paste, construct, mould and express self creatively through various art mediums.
  • Write cursive and Pre-cursive handwriting delightfully
  • Play at least one musical instrument
  • Display proficiency in Culinary and Vocational skills
  • Set goals, stay target driven, aim to and achieve excellent scores in all subjects

Our Compulsory Skills-sets 

All curricular and Co-curricular activities are geared towards building the following skills- sets.

  •  Imagination and Creativity skill
  •  Reasoning and Critical thinking skill
  •  Communication, Oratory and public speaking 
  •  Emotional, Environmental Coordination and Interpersonal skills
  •  Enquiry and Problem-solving skills

Our Compulsory Skills- Sets

English Language/Literacy

Phonics, Vocabulary, Spelling, Reading, Comprehension skills are taught to ensure a solid foundation in literacy and a happy transition into the world of reading and creative writing.


A variety of teaching methods are used to develop mathematical skills.


Children are encouraged to discover fascinating scientific facts through hands-on investigation in and out of the classroom. Their scientific ideas are communicated through drawings, diagrams, tables, information technology, speech and writing.

Information Technology/ Digital Literacy

Our well-equipped computers rooms provide a variety of multi-media experiences and equip children to communicate and express ideas in colours, texture and design using technology. 

Design Technology

Children are given opportunities to explore a variety of materials including card, clay, wood, plastering, fabrics, food and paper. They generate designs for a specific purpose, review and modify when creating products. They evaluate the work completed. They build models from a variety of constructions and make models of their design from card, paper, wood etc.


Geography is taught through studies of the immediate surroundings and local area. Children learn about the natural world, seasonal changes, effects of weather and relate activities to aspects of human and physical geography.


Visits to historic sites, educational workshops and films engender an enthusiastic interest in history.

Art and Craft

We provide a superb creative environment for the children. A wide variety of artistic technologies are taught in the art studio including painting, pottery, clay, batik and 3D studies. The results fill the school with vibrant displays and provide unique keepsakes.

Physical and Health Education

Large and small motor activities form a major part of our curriculum. Sports day are held once a year, it is a highlight on the school calendar, and internal sports competition are carried out every term. All the pupils take an active part so they can develop and attain their full potential.

Home Economics

This subject creates exciting activities that present opportunities for children to gain house-keeping life skills, such as cooking abilities, personal hygiene, home, clothes, food and beverages management.

Social Studies

This deals with cultural studies, government and citizenship. Children are introduced to and acquainted with events as it unfolds in this immediate society.

Global Perspective

Global education promotes open-mindedness leading to new thinking about the world. Contacts in this area of learning enable young people to participate in activities that broaden their awareness for 

  • Shaping a better-shared future for the world
  • The unity and interdependence of human society
  • A sense of self and appreciation of cultural diversity
  • Affirmation of social justice and human rights
  • Building peace and actions for a sustainable future at different times and places.


Music is an integral part of the school’s everyday life. The curriculum aims to provide a program of study, which will extend pupils’ enjoyment and responses to music through the activities of listening, performing and composing. They are expected to sing and be able to use percussion instruments.


Drama is an integral aspect of the school curriculum with children taking part in role-play, drama, games and opportunities for performing in class assemblies, festivals and full drama promotions.

Religious Studies

Religious instructions are given in accordance with the syllabus and requirements of the Federal Ministry of Education. Religions of Christianity and Islam are non-denomination. We want children to develop an understanding of the nature of their religious believes and practices and to acknowledge the importance.

Personal Social Health and Emotional Education

Pupils learn to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe while preparing them to make the most of life and schooling. 

Assessment for Learning and Assessment of Learning pathways enable us to get and give feedback on children’s progress. Progress Tracking activities are documented weekly. 

AFL is continuous while AOL is carried out on a summative platform. Much of this assessment is based on a teacher’s professional knowledge and expertise. 

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint: 

Pupils in year 6 are exposed to constant practicals and Testing in English, Mathematics, Science and Cambridge Global Perspective to prepare them for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint.

Written Reports: 

Written Progress Reports are sent to parents every midterm and end of the term. 

Parents- Teachers Conferences: 

Parents are invited to meet the teacher during PTC schedules. We also make additional appointments to discuss a child’s progress or issues that need intervention at any time during the term.

A range of school clubs are available for our learners. A child subscribes to one sports and one academic club. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons are set aside for clubs.

Pupils and staff participate actively. Academic departments run clubs associated with their subject, Club coordinators are Specialist teachers and also Enrichment teachers that run special clubs. School clubs include

A. Academic Clubs     

Young Scientists Club (YSC)

Cookery Kappas  

Brainy Kids/ Super Spellers Club

Art and Craft club         

Maths Club 

B. Sports Clubs     

Soccer academy  

Basketball club        

Badminton club         

Young athletes club

C. Media and Performing Art Club         

Ballet club   

Dance and Drama Club 

Digital imagery (ICT) club                         

Karate – doo club

Music Club: a large number of pupils have lessons in a wide range of musical instruments, while others study specialist singing. The school choir is a fully-fledged music club. Training and practise are done weekly

At Danbo International Primary School, we are proud to uphold the vision, mission and values of the school and we have derived a character map to ensure that our pupils and staff are aware and educated on what these values mean to us.

Our character map highlights our core values, which are as follows:

Extra lessons; interested parents to see head teacher

  • After school club; interested parents to see head teacher
  • Training/practice; school call [school’s responsibility]
  • Parents will be informed ahead of time if your child will be waiting for such training and practice.
Parental Help/Volunteer

Parents are very welcome to contribute to the work of the school. In the interest of security all helpers are expected to wear our school visitor badge when on such assignments. We are most grateful for your offers of help.

Admission Policy

Children reach compulsory primary school age at the start of the session after their fifth birthday. We have intakes in September for pupils who will be 6 or are have their birthday during the academic year (September – August).

Admission to Danbo Primary School is automatic for children graduating from DanboNursery school. The school admits pupils transferring form other schools on the basis of vacancies.

Application Forms can be filled and submitted online or through the Admin office which is open during office hours.

Application should be accompanied with the copy of the child’s birth certificate. A nonrefundable registration fee of N5, 000( five thousand naira only) will be charged for each application. Children transferring from other schools are expected to take a placement test before being admitted into the school.

Parents are also expected to attend admission interviews with their child/children.

Admission of new pupils for a new academic session commences at the end of second term of the current school term and ends at August of that year.

  1. First Day of school
  2. Arm Forces Remembrance Day
  1. Valentine’s day
  2. International Mother Language day
  1. Mothers’ Day
  2. 100th Day of School/ Literacy Day
  3. Founder’s Day
  1. World Heart Day
  2. Earth Day
  3. World Water Day
  4. World Health Day/ Health and Fitness Day
  5. Junior Olympics and Sports Day
  6. Juniors Bikeability Road Race Day
  1. World Environment Day
  2. Democracy Day
  3. A Day as teacher
  4. Parents Caree Experience Week
  1. Leadership and citizenship Training week
  2. Graduation Day
  1. School Spirit Week
  2. Grand Parents Day
  1. Independence/ Cultural Heritage Day
  2. Club Day
  3. Prefects’ Day
  4. World Teachers’ Day
  5. World Sight Day
  6. World Food Day
  1. International Girl Child Day
  1. International Day of Disabled Persons
  2. Fun Fair
  3. Christmas Cantata/ Carol service


  1. Spacious classrooms
  2. Science and Home economics Laboratories,
  3. Arts Studio
  4. Information Technology/ Media Center
  5. School Assembly Hall
  6. Age appropriate toilet facilities
  7. Dining Hall
  8. Swimming Pool
  9. Hostel Facility
  10. Kitchen Facility

Primary Admissions

Children must reach the compulsory primary school age at the start of the session after their fifth birthday. We have intakes in September for pupils who will be 6 or are have their birthday during the academic year (September – August).

Admission to Danbo Primary School is automatic for children graduating from Danbo Nursery school. The school admits pupils transferring from other schools based on available vacancies.

Application Forms can be filled and submitted online or through the Admin office, which is open during office hours.

Applications should include: 

  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate. 
  • A non-refundable registration fee of N5,000 NGN

Children transferring from other schools are expected to take a placement test before being admitted into the school.

Parents are also expected to attend admission interviews with their child/children. 

Admission of new pupils for a new academic session commences at the end of the second term of the current school term and ends in August of that year. 

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