Danbo International Schools Kaduna

We celebrate many events and special days at Danbo International Nursery School, some of which include Career Day, Worldbook Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Earth Day.  Many of these days are celebrated for various reasons and serve as an opportunity to bring our school community together.

Below are some key events and special days, that our children especially enjoy

Grandparents Day

We dedicated this day to Grandparents. We celebrate grandparents day to honour our grandparents and to allow grandparents to show love to their children’s children. We believe this will help children become aware of the strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.

All Grandparents are invited to school on this fun day, and we spend the day making arts & crafts and puzzles. We tell the children stories and also listen to special songs, poems, drama and health talks from grandchildren.

Children’s Day Celebration
This day is dedicated to children; it is observed as an event across the world to celebrate childhood and promote awareness about children’s welfare. We celebrate Children’s Day with a range of innovative and fun-filled activities at school, such as Children’s Day poems, dance and feast.

We make it a special day for children to enjoy childhood. Additionally, the events and activities of Children’s Day focus on identifying the education, recreation, health, cultural, economic and social needs of children.

Independence Day Celebration

 October 1st will always be a memorable day for Nigeria and Nigerians, a day of festive and historical remembrance of our independence. We educate our young ones about not just our history but also how different cultures came to be, emphasizing on the unity of our great nation. 

Our children dress in various green and white cultural attires to celebrate the national day.  

Recipe Day

Cooking with children in school promotes the lifetime skill of healthy cooking at a young age. A kitchen is a learning lab for children that can involve all of their senses. While kneading, tossing, pouring, smelling, cutting, and feeling foods, they have fun and learn without being aware of it. Children who cook at home indicate a “sense of accomplishment,” self-confidence, and feeling of contributing to their families. They spend time cooking instead of engaging in screen time.

Christmas Craft Day

Christmas carol in school has always been a way to tell the story of Christmas through songs and drama. As the festive period draws closer, it signifies the end of a term.

The little ones entertain their parents, guests and friends with their songs and drama, and they showcase their talents and creativity through their hand made Christmas crafts and ornaments. These ornaments made by the kids are used to decorate the tree and given out as gifts to families and friends

To describe the event  

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