Danbo International Schools Kaduna

E Learning

Danbo International School uses Google Suite for Education as the main set of e-learning applications. This suite provides students with basic computer skills, working knowledge of Google Apps, and in-depth experience with the Google Suite.

G Suite for Education provides students with access to the latest technology and the use of Google apps tailored explicitly for Danbo International School.

This creates learning opportunities and provides students with access to learning resources as well as complete assignments as part of their e-learning programme.

G Suite for Education tools are powerful on their own but work even better together. The multi-layer built-in security and streamline administrative tasks challenge’s students to think critically—all without disrupting current workflows.

Danbo International School continues to take laudable steps to ensure that our students are exposed to global standards, giving them a competitive edge from secondary school to post-secondary education by:

  • Preparing students for the IGCSE ICT Examination
  • Validating knowledge of ICT skill attainment
  • Increasing student confidence
  • Opening the door for a career in the Technology field
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