
Danbo International Schools Kaduna

Danbo Special Needs School

Special education is the educational arrangement or a systematic plan designed for individuals who are physically, emotionally and mentally challenged. It is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students’ individual differences and needs.

​​This process involves the systematic plan designed for individual learners with special needs to help achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school, home and community. Special education is not a place but a set of services that gives room to equal educational rights.

This is what our team stands offer you at our great institute of learning. Danbo special education needs school started as a pastoral school with the aim of helping slow learners who could not cope with main stream. The school has made a tremendous impact and added value to the lives of many children who passed through the four walls of DSENS.

We seek to improve the quality of life of students with disabilities by developing and disseminating essential skills, knowledge and values through teaching, learning and service.

Our mission of special education at DSENS is to provide high quality education programs whereby all pupils/students are empowered to reach their individual potential, respect and value themselves and others and become life –long learners.

The educational aims for students with special needs are the same as those for all students. We understand that our students present with sometime very substantial and complex barriers to learning and that young people develop at different rates.It is imperative that all students have the support required.

Special educational needs are addressed and met by our team which comprises the school psychologist, the teachers using carefully differentiated teaching methods and Individualized educational plans.

Careful planning, curricular modifications, activity based teaching methodologies, the identification of appropriate learning outcomes, the adaptation of teaching materials and the use of assessment procedures which build on pupils strengths are used.

Inclusive practices are critical within the classroom and the broader school environment. Examples of this are paired reading schemes and peer mentoring. Utilising the talents of mainstream students to promote inclusive practices are encouraged.

We use a range of assessment materials including Standard Progressive Matrix ( SPM) and Wecher Intelligence Scale For Children 4( WISC4). The psychometric test items are structured to give diagnosis for Mental Retardation (MR), ADD,ADHD and other Neuropsychopathologies.Alongside the curriculum in order to monitor and track progress and inform any interventions where necessary.

Curriculum modification and the introduction of skill specific programmes like sports, aerobics; talent hunts are facilitated to meet the needs of our student/pupils. The Circle time and the IEP programme have contributed immensely to our students performance.

Our programs are tailored towards meeting each student’s needs. Well-trained teachers work in the classroom and maintained good relationship with parents

As support for the development of our students we have the program Personal Social and Cultural Education (PSCE) to enhance their social skills. As enrichment activities, we have within the past years, taken groups of students with special education to see animals in a mini zoo and amusement park

DSENS is proud to say that she has graduated students who are self –employed in areas such as fashion designing. Other students are in various business fields.Our students displays independent skills, inter and intra- personal care giving , social skills and technological awareness.

Don’t hesitate to give that child the needed empowerment for our challenging society and a self dependent life as you visit DANBO SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS SCHOOL, KADUNA.

Or start the admission process HERE