In Danbo International Nursery school, we administer both Formative and Summative Assessments.
Our emphasis is more on the Formative Assessment, which is integral to the learning and development process. We appropriately observe and record these ongoing assessments to help children make progress from birth towards the early learning goals.
- We carry out a diagnostic assessment(knowledge harvest) before learning; to assess pupils previous knowledge and skill.
- Formative Assessment is ongoing during instruction/activities and usually occurs regularly throughout the learning process; to measure performance against a goal, specific objective and standards. The goal is to identify and promptly address barriers to learning. Also, to monitor pupils learning and provide feedback.
Summative Assessment brings together the information on what the child knows, understands and can do. In DINS pupils are measured at periodic intervals during the midterm and end of the term. The aim is to derive and provide an overview of a child’s progress. We assess the extent to which the most important outcomes at the end of the instruction have been reached.
- Pupils achievement are reported to parents verbally daily(for parents who wish to know)
- Pupils Progress Report Sheet are provided to parents biweekly
- A Midterm Report is issued in the middle of every term
- A data-driven Academic Progress report is issued at the end of every term
- The Pupils Observation Profile is given to parents at the end of every session.
Our assessment tools include observations, standardized tests, oral interview, portfolios, quizzes, photos, jottings, learning stories, work samples, parent input and more are used as evidence.